Spring Edition

Spring Edition
Spring Edition

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mendocino-Tahoe Conservancy Memorial Benefit

A birthday celebration in memory of conservation pioneer John Olmsted will be held March 2nd at St. Joseph’s Cultural Center in Grass Valley.

Organized by, and a benefit for the Mendocino-Tahoe Conservancy who is continuing John’s mission of protecting wildlands and creating trails. Performers will include a host of wonderful local entertainers including funky dance band, Power of Twelve. Other entertainment will include poetry readings by Molly Fisk and Maxima Kahn, a juggling comedy show with Locomotion Circus, harp and songs by Tynowyn & Rossignol, and a slide show featuring a hiking adventure along the Olmsted Cross California Trail and performance of songs by Riparia, written on the trail and inspired by its natural beauty. Purchase tickets and learn more about the Mendocino-Tahoe Conservancy at http://www.mendotahoe.org/events.html.

Please join us and enjoy a fun filled evening that supports many trails to your favorite trout filled rivers and lakes in Northern California!

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