Spring Edition

Spring Edition
Spring Edition

Monday, July 6, 2015

Lake Davis Fishing Report 7/6/2015 ~ Hot Water Temps

Water temps at Lake Davis have rose sharply in the past week starting out at 66 at 8am and reaching 72 by 1pm. That alone made my decision to pull the plug and cancel my remaining trips and reschedule them until fall. The damsel hatch is still going strong but resident rainbows are just not into it, they are laying low and semi deep taking chironomids. Sure, you can hook fish during the day, but safely releasing them is another story. Mortality rate is very high right now.

Look for favorable conditions to pick up around the middle of September. For you still water junkies Milton Reservoir, and pay to play Sawmill lake will quench your needs until then. I have some dates available for fall at Lake Davis, give me a call, pick a date, and let's go fishin!

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