Spring Edition

Spring Edition
Spring Edition

Friday, December 16, 2016

Lower Yuba River Update ~ Blown Out Again!

It was inevitable that the Lower Yuba River would blow out again after the heavy rains of Wednesday night into Thursday. The river peaked at Parks Bar Bridge at 4am with a recorded flow of 28,972 cubes. Deer Creek topped out at 5,220 cfs and once again became a raging torrent. It's going to be a while until we are able to fish successfully on the river. So let the flows come down, and wait until the water clears. We'll have to learn the river all over again as I know the bottom substrate has been altered, and bug life has been affected. Thinking those Salmon eggs took a beating too, but the high flows did carry the fingerlings downstream. It is what it is, time to hit the tying bench and be productive.

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