Spring Edition

Spring Edition
Spring Edition

Saturday, February 26, 2011

More Snow!

Another 3 feet of light snow has fallen on top of the 4 feet we got last week!  It's deep and dangerous as I had a small avy in my backyard bury the blower and myself up to my waist.  It was quite exhilarating!  I ran the blower for 8 hours yesterday and have another 2 hours to go today.  Once I'm done I will be going up to Lake Davis to check out the ice fishing tournament, parking will be an adventure I assume.  There is another storm slated to hit next week though this one will have more water content.  I sure hope Eagle Lake is getting some of this, that pond is in need.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Fish Gods Have Spoken!

The latest storm "The Massacre After Valentines Day" left 4 feet, 4 inches at my humble abode.  There is nothing like a good dump!  I spent 14 hours in three days working with snow, all this just at my house and private road.  There was a time in my life when I was a professional snowboarder and all I did was ride 7 days a week.  It was a sweet life and now realize how lucky I was.  Powder days now consist of plowing, blowing, and shoveling.  That's OK I guess, these are the cards I'm dealt with and I'll live with them.  The positive to this all is that my beloved lakes will fill up and those trout will grow bigger.  I've been busy getting all my paperwork, advertising, and flies tied for my guide service this year.  I've also put together a kick ass presentation for fly clubs on Lake Davis and Frenchman's reservoir, and have been writing feature articles for various fly fishing mags (Can't say a peep but you will see soon enough).  Plowing trout water is a tough job but some body's got to do it!

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