Spring Edition

Spring Edition
Spring Edition

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Lake Davis Fishing Report 5/28/14

It's been a strange spring up at Lake Davis this year and with its 2014 track record, it's no surprise. Ice out the 3rd week of January, a drawn out spawn that never happened, and erratic warm and cold air temperatures left a lull that affected good fishing for the past month plus. I've received so many poor reports from competent still water anglers in the past few weeks that had them asking "What's up Jon?". The bugs have not been out in force as they should be, and strong powerful winds have made presentations very tough, let alone getting a good anchor set. The lake needs weed growth, which will provide more habitats for aquatic insects to flourish. Water temperatures are already high for this time of year, 60-66 degrees was recorded on the 25th-27th. Water clarity is way off, mostly due to the wind and the dropping lake levels exposing more soft mud on the banks. So far the damsel hatch has been slim but they are always in the system, a close friend did a stomach sample a few days ago which revealed nothing but damsels in one specimen. 

So far indicator fishing has produced the most numbers, whether you're presenting vertical rigs 3-6 feet down, or right off the bottom in 12 to 15 feet of water late in the day. The takes have been light, so anytime that bobber dips, give it a quick set. Fish are still a bit scattered but there are some heavier concentrations on the west side of the lake. Productive flies have been Albino Wino midge, Callibaetis soft hackles, Mahalo Blood Midge larva, Sheep Creek Specials, and Balanced Damsels. I would rate the fishing as fair and expect conditions to bust wide open in the next week to two weeks. I'm looking forward to some calmer days, glassy conditions, and gulping rise forms next to the bank. See you out there!

BTW - Looking for a quality place to eat while visiting Lake Davis? Check out The Feel Good Cafe in old town Portola where you'll find delicious custom dinners, salads, and desserts. I'm going back this weekend; So yummy!

North Fork Yuba River Fishing Report 5/28/14

It's been game on for the North Fork Yuba River for the past two weeks, and the dry fly game is not only going off; It's the preferred offering by wild rainbows looking up! In all my years I have never seen such great dry fly fishing here so early, it's utterly amazing. Water temperatures are ranging from 57-63 degrees. Fishing pressure has been moderate, if you're willing to hike "where the wild things are" you will have complete solitude. The North Fork Yuba River in my opinion is the most beautiful watershed in California: rugged, fascinating, and so wild. Amazing!

There is a good amount of adult aquatic insects out, a few key players have yet to been seen in good numbers like Yellow Sallies, and Dobson flies. Currently there are Golden Stones, Salmon flies, Gray Drake Spinners, several different Caddis, and few PMDs.

Rainbows are the predominant player in the system, but this year there has been quite a few browns being caught. These fish are stunning and so clean! Beautiful specimens that reflect the natural terrain and currents around them. Expect to get into a good number of smallish wild trout 6-10" with a few bigger ones up to 17" in the deeper pools and runs.

High stick short line tactics and picking apart the many miles of pocket water is what makes this river so popular with fly anglers. Wet wading is the way to go already, so ditch those waders and soak in the cool crystal clear waters that the NFYR has to offer.

On a special note I will be presenting an introduction to fly fishing on Monday, June 2nd, 10am at The Lure Resort. If you're in the area and would like to learn more about the world of the fly and rod, please stop by and check it out!

Darmera peltata, Indian Rhubarb

Middle Fork Feather River Fishing Report 5/28/14

So far this season the fishing has been fair with a few highlights of some nice sized rainbows up to 20". Already the upper river from Portola to Graeagle is very low with increasing water temps ranging from 63-71 degrees. Water levels look like the end of June! Most of the trout have migrated downstream to seek out colder water. Carp and smallmouth bass are in heaven right now in this section and the opportunities to seek them out are plenty. Aesthetics wise, the river is absolutely gorgeous with green grass glowing, and waving in the wind. Fishing pressure has been very light as well. The good news is it's all dry fly or dry/dropper fishing now, and fishing the last 2 hours of light is a must. Concentrate your efforts from Two Rivers and downstream to the Nelson Point area. Fishing early and late will be the norm until fall.

Aquatic insects are out in force including Caddis, Golden Stones, Salmon flies, PMDs, Yellow Sallies, Little Green Stones, and creamy Craneflies. Top dry flies that are producing the best are X-Caddis and E/C Caddis in amber, olive, tan, and cocoa brown size #14-18. Yellow Sally patterns #14-16 are getting lots of attention too, so make sure you have some in your box. Hoppers are out in small numbers and with this latest flurry of wind you just know they've been getting blown into the water. For nymphs think small ball. BH Prince nymphs, G6 Caddis, Copper Johns, and BH flashback pheasant tails #16-18 are excellent dropper flies that will catch fish. Right now is the time to fish the MFFR before it disappears before your eyes!

The Velvety Stick Seed Wildflower on the banks of the MFFR.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Giving Back To The Truckee River - Truckee River Watershed Council "Snapshot Day 2014"

Though I'll never be able to match my Dad's relentless environmental work for our rivers and lakes, I still feel it is important to be able to give back to our natural resources. The Truckee River and its tributaries provides my guests with a bounty of beauty and bent rods, a gift for generations to experience for years to come. I've always been good at doing the field research for various projects revolving around water, aquatic insects, and trout. Even working with my dad it was understood that he would make the written filings, and I would gather photos, specimens, and accurate reports to complete the formal complaint.

So after a gorgeous evening fishing the Little Truckee River with Erin Casey, Director of Land Use Compatibility for the Truckee River Watershed Council, I was intrigued about participating in "Snapshot Day 2014". Snapshot Day is a citizen-based water quality-monitoring program. It’s a national program that TRWC is doing on Lake Tahoe, the Truckee River, and the streams that feed the lake and river.
small teams of volunteers go out to some 25 sites on or near the Truckee River, do a stream walk, take photos, and take water quality measurements and samples. All the data is collected, analyzed, collated and reported back to the community. It is also intended to provide important baseline data that could potentially be used in upcoming project identification, and to create a large-scale collaborative effort to prevent further degradation of water quality.

There is a real science when it comes to collecting accurate samples of data, water, and streamside conditions. Details count, being neat and organized is vital, along with making sure your sample is not contaminated. We collected samples from Donner Creek, and Prosser creek, then headed back to the main office to submit our findings. There's something magical about being on the banks of a Sierra stream, the birds and their glorious melody, lush green grass, and the therapeutic sound of running water is so moving. So special.

What a great day! I learned so much, and feel so good about volunteering my time for an awesome cause! I want to thank the entire Staff of the Truckee River Watershed Council for your undying love for the Truckee River, and allowing me to participate in "Snapshot Day 2104". I look forward to working with TRWC in the very near future, and beyond!



Sunday, May 11, 2014

Middle Fork Feather River - Current Conditions

This past week was tough fishing, and the water temp remained cold, especially during the weekend. Big winds have been in effect as well making for sub-par drifts with control issues. Flows are low and the upper section is already getting skinny sending most rainbows downstream to a deeper pool or run for a more protected lie. There have been aquatics out, and Saturday had PMDs, March Browns, Gray Drakes, and a few BWOs. On Sunday the hatch was weak at best. Just an observation, but the past few dry years has affected the MFFR by way of not only low water, but non-flushing flows. So many good runs and pools have really filled up with silt, small cobble, and lumber. 

Help is on the way this coming week with a booming heat wave that is sure to help increase better fishing conditions. Look for the weeks ahead to become better every day.  Dry fly action will pick up as well (finally) as risers have been few and sparse. The Middle Fork Feather River has had very low pressure, and plenty of blissful days of solitude have been had. It's just plain awesome being out there!

I want to personally thank the members of the Peninsula Fly Fishers who were my guests for the Middle Fork Feather Fly Fishing Tour on Sunday, I had the greatest time sharing with you all! It was a real pleasure fishing with you, creating new friendships, and reconnecting with past friends. On a side note, every one of my guests was blown away at the natural beauty the MFFR has to offer, it truly is a “Wild & Scenic” river.

Escape, seek out, and explore.  

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Native Sons Fly Fishing Tours 2014

The Native Sons Fly Fishing Tours are designed to give fly anglers all they need to know to be successful when venturing onto these waters. Tour days will consist of access points, equipment, tactics, techniques, flies, entomology, and local inside knowledge. 

Through our many years of guiding fly anglers in the Truckee and the Northern Sierra areas, both Frank Pisciotta and I have noticed a growing trend. Gaining knowledge of a fishery is more important than numbers of fish caught. Most of our experienced fly angling clients have either ventured to the area for the first time, or want a bit more familiarity with the local “wild trout” fisheries’ idiosyncracires and focusing on minimizing their “prospecting.” These fly anglers are concerned with four things they want to accomplish during their time on the Native Sons Fly Fishing Tours:

1-An orientation to access points of selected waters.
2-Most productive techniques.
3-Local bugs and their suggested fly patterns.
4-Optimum times to be on the water, seasonally.

Such bookings truly benefit the client, eliminating countless hours of learning the currents of these popular rivers which can take several trips before the angler feels comfortable about what to do in the area. Ideally, anglers engage our services early on during an extended stay, or an intended frequent visitor can use the tour’s plethora of info for further reference. Either way, precious angling time is saved and the client receives a steep learning curve of the area. The info dispensed is reliable and timely; and is ingrained from our combined 46 years of guiding fly anglers exclusively in our areas, and close to 90 years angling with a fly rod. For the client it is a worthwhile and cost-effective investment.

We have always tailored guide dates trips to the specific desires and skills sets of the individual client and plan our trips accordingly. Hence the genesis of Native Sons Tours; providing a group of experienced fly anglers a cost-effective means of “picking our brains” during a camaraderie experience.

The Tour covers all access points of the Big Truckee River from the town of Truckee to Hirschdale, and all of the access points on the Little Truckee River. You are required to use your own vehicle during the auto tour, entomology, flies, and rigging will be discussed afterwards. We then sit down for a delicious lunch which is provided. After lunch we wader up and split into two groups and go fishing, Frank and I will work with our guests on proper presentations, reading water, and everything in between; just like a normal guide trip. 

Included with the Tours is a very informative “Tour Packet” consisting of maps, pro tips, and entomology handouts for you to use in the future. A bonus is a print-out of Frank’s original Truckee & Little Truckee Tips. This is a great tour, highly informative, and fun! We encourage you to ask as many questions as you can so you walk away with a clear understanding of these legendary rivers. 

Price per angler: $200

Limited to six anglers per tour to ensure a high quality experience.

Dates for Tours in 2014

Wild & Scenic Middle Fork Feather – 
June 1st (Full)

Big and Little Truckee Rivers -
June 8th
July 12th  
(1 spot remains)

To reserve your spot, please contact Jon Baiocchi at 530.228.0487 / baiocchistroutfitters@yahoo.com

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Little Truckee River Fishing Report 5/4/14

Last Friday was more than just a fish out with close friends; it was a meeting of the minds of highly trained professionals. Chris Maher, Frank Pisciotta, and myself ran indicator rigs, lead, and San Juan worms working known holding water. Flows are at 385, and the Little Truckee River has some good current to it. A few BWO’s were out, but no heads showing.

Good drifts with plenty of stack mends is what produced today, putting your rig through the sweet spot at the right depth got the grab. With these flows it will be a dredge and bobber game, still though, there is some nice trout to be hooked in the LT right now. As always on this crowded river, give other anglers their space, and if in doubt, ask.  

*Special shout out to Chris Maher who is leaving to guide in Alaska at the Baranof Wilderness Lodge in less than a week. Good luck Captian! Have a safe and productive season up there buddy! Someday I’ll get there.....

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