Spring Edition

Spring Edition
Spring Edition

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Lance Gray & Co Fly Fishing Tours

Lance and I are back at it again with our very popular Lake Davis Tours, and a new Tour of the North Fork Yuba River. These Tours are an excellent opportunity for fly anglers to familiarize themselves with the intricate details of these two legendary waters.

Lake Davis was made for fly-fishing. The lake is located in Plumas National Forest just outside the small mountain town of Portola, CA. The lake sits at 5,700 feet in elevation and contains huge rainbows. The lake provides abundant nutrients and fertile shallow water flats offer the best trout stalking water around.  Rainbows average 3-5 pounds with fish pushing the 6 pound range.

The Lake Davis Tour is a one of a kind. From our man on the ground, Jon Baiocchi to the way we conduct this tour, it’s unmatched.  The first step was to get Jon on our LGC staff.  Jon spends more time at Davis than any other guide. With years of fishing time on Davis along with mentors like his father and Jay Fair, Jon is a master still water specialist. Second, we looked at the tour from a different perspective. We will utilize Jon’s Tracker Pro Deep V-16 modified gullwing designed boat to conduct the tour from the water. This view of the lake will provide more insights with an enhanced comprehension of the water. With just two guests Jon will be able to focus on providing great information from access areas, to fly-fishing techniques to equipment needed to be successful at Lake Davis.

The tour is set in June, which is a perfect time for the damsel fly hatch and the uncommon but, spectacular Hexagenia hatch that appears at the lake. This is a two day tour with two guests per tour. Handouts, lunch, equipment clinic and fishing are all provided during the tour. Dates; June 15th & 16th (both spots open), and June 17th & 18th (1 spot open).

This freestone pocket water is a awesome little fishery that located just North of Nevada City. The river travels along Highway 49 with great access areas and historical communities such as Downieville and Sierra City. Jon Baiocchi and Lance Gray will be your host at this great wild treasure. The wild pocket water with built in stepping stones (boulders) make this a fun a fishery for everyone to experience. Access areas, flies, techniques, rigging and safety concerns while wading will be addressed. Anglers wishing to dry fly fish – this is the tour for you folks. Space will limited and as always a great creek side lunch will be provided. Handouts, equipments clinic, and entomology will be thoroughly covered. Limited to 6 anglers. All spots open, sign up now!

For more information and to reserve your spot contact Lance at 530-517-2204 / lancegrayandcompany@yahoo.com

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Truckee Experience ~ Fishmas Dreams

Friday's energy was building throughout the day for the Trout Unlimited Truckee Chapter #103 10th annual fund raiser, Fishmas Eve. I waivered through the hours of the day pinned in my mobile office, catching up on emails, files, and docs, trying to get my ducks in a row. I then had to prepare for a guide trip the next day. After the work was done I just sat and waited with great anticipation for the evening’s events. Fishmas is a real treat for me as I get to see my friends in the fly fishing industry, many are guides like myself, who are pressed when it comes to leisure time. Its functions like these that allow us to just hang out, share a laugh, and raise funds for the Truckee River watershed. As always, a great time was had by all, and so well done. I honestly can’t wait for next year. Special thanks to Stefan McLeod, TU #103 board members, and all of the volunteers who make this special event so successful and fun.

Finally a small decent size storm was moving in that evening with lake levels forecasted for 7”of snow, and 14” on the crest. A pretty major deal after what we have witnessed in Northern California the past 6 months. Knowing I had to perform in the morning no matter the conditions, I slept like crap. I’m bad that way, I worry about the intricate details that affect my guest’s experience, not just the numbers that end up in the net. When I woke up to 5-7 inches of snow, I knew it was going to be a long yet adventurous day. More coffee.

As the F-250 backed down onto the road from the driveway, its tires treading virgin snow, my attitude bumped up a bit and away we went. I thought to myself “Whatever it takes” and smiled. The drive was slow, it was early and most the snowplow trucks had not been out yet to clear the road. Once traveling down Hwy. 89 it got better, and by I-80 it was cake. Arriving at our meeting point, there were just traces of snow, and the storm was clearing on the lower plains of the east slope. I was 45 minutes early, a trait of mine passed down from my father to really prepare for the day. Paperwork endured in the cab of my truck. My guests showed up early too, and after meeting them and going over the game plan, we were off.

First tracks. It’s everything. By board, or by rod, getting freshies has some major valor to it; it’s the feather in your cap. I love the quietness in the Sierra after a snow storm, it’s so still that it seems time stops. The surrounding land was so glorious out, and so surreal that it took my breath away. My guests, who were from Las Vegas, have only been fly fishing for a year, but they have the sickness badly. They are walking sponges, looking for any information while climbing the staircase of progression. When they shared with me that they could care less about catching, and wanted nothing other than learning technical nymphing presentations, it made me smile. I love nothing more to see new fly anglers with such ambition for the sport. The bonus for them was each hooking into a few nice wild trout, and admiring the beauty that they glow. The meadow was alive with songbirds, providing an orchestra of majestic melodies that is so enlightening for your soul. We could all feel her love, as Mother Nature danced around us.

It’s so rewarding to see beginner fly anglers reach the next level and more in just a matter of hours. I’m so fortunate to be able to share and teach my passion, and the knowledge I have experienced over the decades. It’s very clear now why I was put on this earth, what my role is, and why it’s important for me to continue my quest of educating the masses about fly fishing, trout, the flora, the fauna, and the Zen of it all.

The fresh snow had melted leaving only fond memories of the morning while omitting a fresh smell across the mountain valley. Though our day was done, both of my guests were so stoked that you could see and feel the sparkle in their eyes. They both knew just how lucky they were to be able to share a day with their host in the Sierra, and live “The Truckee Experience”.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Reno Fly Shop ~ Lower Yuba River Presentation 4/23/2015

High in the Sierra Nevada mountains three watersheds and the rivers that drain from there come together to make one vast river; The Lower Yuba. Snow melt and springs are the beginnings of the North, Middle, and South Forks of the Yuba, as gravity pulls the precious flows down to the Sacramento Valley. As the forks of Yuba come together they rest in Englebright reservoir, it’s below this flood control dam where the Lower Yuba River is born. A tail water fishery that is both complex and very moody. The river has an extremely rich aquatic insect population, strong wild rainbow trout, and Chinook salmon and steelhead. The lay of the land is the start of the Sierra foothills, with its rolling landscape, native grasses, valley oaks, and cobble stones for miles.

The Lower Yuba River is a must fly fishing experience. It’s a river that has all the essential qualities that makes it a top destination spot, and offers fly anglers many different opportunities to choose from. The highlight here is the winter dry fly fishing, where hunting heads and technical presentations reward the angler. Whether it is stalking the banks, or drifting by boat, It's alway a serious challenge. The Lower Yuba can be fished year round, and becomes an important venue for anglers from the Tahoe-Truckee and Reno area during the winter time. Only 1.5 hours to 2 hours away, it can provide a warmer climate, and an escape from the cold east wind that can haunt the Tahoe-Truckee and Reno area..

I'll be speaking on Thursday the 23rd of April, at the Reno Fly Shop. Through my guidance, I will take the audience on a virtual tour of the river describing the history, access points with maps, techniques, tactics, flies, and entomology. This is a program you do not want to miss as my Power Point presentations are extremely informative, and entertaining. If you would like to attend the free April 23rd presentation, and learn more about the Lower Yuba River, come down to the RenoFly Shop. Doors open at 6 pm, followed by my program at 7 pm. Learning this fishery is a golden ticket in your back pocket, and money well spent.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Native Sons Truckee Tour 6/28/15

The CONCEPT---Through many years of guiding fly anglers in the Tahoe-Truckee and Plumas County areas; both Jon Baiocchi and Frank R. Pisciotta have noticed a trend. Many of their experienced fly angling clients visiting for the first time or having previously fished the area expressed an interest in becoming more familiar with the idiosyncrasies of the local “wild trout” fisheries; hoping to minimize their “prospecting” time. They engaged Jon or Frank’s services with their prime focus being an orientation to local waters; being guided and catching trout being secondary.These fly anglers want to be briefed about:
1---Most productive techniques
2---Local bugs and respective fly patterns
3---Seasonally ideal angling times
4---Key access points of selected waters

Jon and Frank are “born & raised” northern Californians with a combined 50 years of guiding fly anglers exclusively on their “home waters” and 90 years of fly fishing. The tour information dispensed is reliable, timely and ingrained from Jon and Frank’s vast experience. Simply, experience does count. They have always tailored guide trips to the specific desires and skills of the individual client and have planned guest’s time accordingly. Hence the genesis of Native Sons Tours; to provide a group of experienced fly rodders a short learning curve and cost-effective investment in their angling time.

The SPECIFICS---The Tour is designed to give fly anglers what they need to know to be successful when venturing onto special regulation sectors of the Big Truckee, from the town of Truckee to Hirschdale, and the Little Truckee below Stampede dam. Tours are limited to six (6). Jon and Frank know they can easily enroll more tour guests, but they want to assure a high quality experience. Fly fishers will learn of access points, equipment, tactics, techniques, flies, entomology, and local inside knowledge. The Tour Packet consists of maps, essays on both waters, and a hatch chart. A bonus is a print-out of the original Truckee & Little Truckee Tips. During the auto tour anglers provide their own transportation. Lunch and drinks are included. After lunch we wader up and split into two fishing groups; similar to a guide trip.
DATES: June 28     
FEE: $200 per Angler
.Contact and Inquiries:
Jon Baiocchi---530.228.0487 | baiocchistroutfitters@yahoo.com

Frank R. Pisciotta---530.587.7333 | cyberfly@cyberfly.com

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Middle Fork Feather River Opener Report 4/7/2015

What I thought was going to be an epic opener on the MFFR turned out to be a bust. Water temperatures will always dictate whether the fishing the first weekend of April will be successful, or not here. When the thermometer barked out 45 degrees in the water, I knew it would be fruitless. I still probed the many runs and pools with a hope for a bent rod. I could have cared less really. A light snow fell from the sky, while solitude cloaked me with only the sound of the river reverberating in my ears. It was glorious. It's times like these I feel the great creator's presence, a humbling state of mind that sets a rhythm of peace and calmness.

The Middle Fork Feather River is extremely low, like the flows of the fall season. I was not shocked by any means, but it does put everything into perspective; how the ecosystem relies on a snowpack that gives life to the land. I expect the river to become fishable by May 1st, or when the water temps bump up above 50 degrees. Nymph rigs will dominate early with San Juan worms, and small mayfly nymphs like Copper Johns, and bead head Pheasant Tail flashbacks. Forget about dry fly fishing until the water warms up near the upper 50's. A good strategy during the early season on the MFFR is to fish above where feeder creeks come in, these inflows will be carrying the colder water from the upper elevations cooling down the river below it. Side sloughs are another venue to seek out, and if they are deep enough stripping streamers is an option to hook into the bigger trout in the system.

It will be a short lived season on the MFFR, and it could be done by the middle of June. Sure, there will be some evening opportunities with dry flies, but that will wane as well. The only good thing I see from the river being low is that the carp and bass fishing in the upper watershed will be good. The warm water species will be more concentrated, and sight fishing will be easier. Let's pray we get a few more pulses of precipitation in the months to come before the faucet is turned off. It's really all we can do at this point.

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