Spring Edition

Spring Edition
Spring Edition

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

North Fork Yuba River Fishing Report 8/25/2015 ~ Spinner Fall Circus

Water levels have dropped even more, and the bigger plunge pools have noticeably more resident rainbows living there. It’s so important now to make your presentations in the pockets, pools, and slots that have a depth greater than 2 feet. There has been a good deal of fishing pressure on the weekends, but during the week it is extremely light. The fish have been getting hammered in the more popular areas with easy river access, the more you hike into the remote sections, the better the fishing. Water temperatures are still very cool, yesterday in the upper reached was 56 at 8am rising to 62 by 1pm.

The early morning spinner fall of psudocleons (tiny BWO’s #20-22) has intensified even more, you’ll see females punching through the surface meniscus of the water as they scuba dive to the bottom to lay their eggs around 9 to 10:30am. The dragonflies have keyed in on them too, and it’s very entertaining watching them munch and crunch on the fly, in fact it’s really cool. Hoppers are getting more attention, but the population is down from years past, maybe the drought has had something to do with that. Ants continue to be the trout’s favorite, they must taste good to those rainbows, I’ve tried them and nearly puked – Not a good idea. 

Big bushy dry flies in yellow, orange, or black with a purple Psycho Prince ( #16), or ant (#12-16) trailer is receiving great results. I’m starting to guide further down the canyon now in the mornings as both air and water temperatures continue to fall, yet still above Downieville. Keep in mind the water temps come up much more quickly in this section as it does not have the abundance of springs as the upper section does. I’ll be scouting Lake Davis in the weeks to come, and locating where the largest concentrations of those big rainbows are cruising and feeding. Trips are starting to come, and I’m booking dates. If you want in on the action, give me a call at 530.228.0487, or shoot me an email at baiocchistroutfitters@yahoo.com. Best of luck out there, absorb the beauty of the land, and live large.

California Fuchsia epilobium canum aka Hummingbird's Trumpet blooms late in the season after the summer heat has driven most other wildflowers to seed. It supplies hummingbirds with a huge supply of food for their start of the southward migration to South America.

Monday, August 17, 2015

North Fork Yuba River Report ~ Tussock Caterpillars Invade

The North Fork Yuba continues to fish well as we head down the home stretch for the upper watershed. It’s been chilly in the morning, but the day quickly warms once the sun starts to bake the region. Water temps today registered 56 at 8am rising to 61 by 12:30pm. Fishing pressure has been extremely light during the week days, on the weekends there are anglers out there, but mostly just upstream of Downieville. The NFYR is very low in the upper reaches, so it is important to concentrate on areas with good depth; even small pockets are producing as long as they are on the deep side. My guests today were some young bucks from New Jersey, they have never seen mountainous regions like the North Fork Yuba before. They were absolutely blown away. As with all my trips on the NFYR, it’s the remote experience that my guests thrive on; in the last 29 trips there, we have never run into another angler on the water. No snakes in the last 4 trips but after my encounter of last week, I’m walking even slower from spot to spot, and looking at every foot and hand placement before I commit. I’m still a bit rattled.

There is a really good spinner fall in the morning of Pseudocloeon (tiny BWO’s), and the fish are already keyed in on them. As a general rule, spinner falls happen when air temperatures are between 58 and 68 degrees, something I learned from Dale Dennis on the Fall River years ago. Running a big dry fly with a size 20 to 22 spent wing spinner in dark brown has been money. Once the spinner fall wanes switching the trailer fly to a black ant is still crushing it. Another active terrestrial besides hoppers has been the spotted Tussock caterpillar in good numbers. They display a unique behavior of crawling out on the water and drifting down the currents to a new destination. They are definitely available to the wild resident rainbows. A Buzzball fly pattern with a black front and back, with a smoky yellow section in the middle is a great choice to simulate the Tussock caterpillar. Observation is everything.

Effective fly patterns have been Club Sandwich hoppers (make sure there is some yellow to it) #10-12, Yellow Stimis #10-14, Buzzballs #10 3xl, and black RS ant patterns. For nymphs, it’s been all about the purple prince in a size 16. Remember when fishing a fresh section of water, the first 5 casts will provoke a strike, after that the rainbows know your there, and it’s time to move upstream to new water. Also cover every bit of water in a single run, I’ve been spooking some of the larger fish in total frog water with zero current, that is very shallow. It is my belief that these guys are looking for caterpillars or hoppers. Wherever you go to fish, good luck, and I’ll see you where the wild things are.

The rare Lewis Monkeyflowers show their last bloom on the banks of the North Fork Yuba River

Sunday, August 16, 2015

200,000 Page Views! ~ Thanks!

Just wanted to thank all of you who have supported me and my blog, I honestly do it for you, the reader, as I really love to share fly fishing. There are some big projects coming up this fall and into 2016, keep on checking in to Jon Baiocchi Fly Fishing News for the latest, and the greatest!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Into The Cauldron ~ Ken Hanley ~ Pacific Extremes

The most intense fly fishing is right here in Southern California, so intense I wonder why anglers from the golden state travel so far. "Into the Cauldron" is a much watch, the elevation of stoke is beyond belief, and really gets the adrenalin pumping. I plan on joining Vaughn Podmore and Ken Hanley next summer and getting involved with Yellow Tail Tuna. This is the next level!

Ken and I, with some special guests will be doing some video projects in the coming year, stay tuned for more magic from Ken, and Pacific Extremes.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

North Fork Yuba River Fishing Report 8/6/2015 ~ Bzzzzzzzzzz!

Water levels have noticeably dropped in the last week, on today's trip my guest and I skipped much of the water that was fishable two to three weeks ago, and focusing on the deeper slots, pockets, and plunge pools. We've had some colder mornings the past few days as well, and water temperatures have come down. At 9:00 am they ran 56 degrees, climbing to only 60 by 1pm. This is normal for this time of year as the days are getting a little shorter. We may see another heat wave or three, only time will tell. As we march forward towards autumn we can then start fishing lower down the watershed, but if it's hot weather, the upper watershed is best.

When the air temperatures rise, it's the many springs pumping out 42 degree water that helps this fishery so much, and the well oxygenated frothy water. The wild rainbows thrive and stay in very healthy shape from these two key sources. I have noticed some springs are not flowing as they were weeks ago. Many anglers in Northern California, and Northern Nevada, think fall is going to cure everything in regards to the Truckee river system, including releases from Independence reservoir. In my opinion, do not get your hopes up too much, and see what Mother Nature brings to the table. Nobody knows at this point, but we can all agree that being positive, is the best outlook on the situation.

My guest today, who lives in the state of Washington, usually fishes for steelhead and large cutthroat. He had an absolute blast today with the 3 weight and those spunky rainbows. It flat out is just really fun fishing. The fish continue to crush ant patterns trailed behind a big dry fly with reckless abandon. As water levels continue to fall, it's best to get out now if you want in on this great fishery. It's beyond fun.

Photo Courtesy of Railfan
Hear the buzz of a Northern Pacific Rattlesnake - click here

Well it finally happened, I got the crap scared out of me today. As we were moving past a big plunge pool, I was explaining to my guest how last year on a trip we ran into a 4 foot Rattlesnake. I even showed him the location, we rounded the corner of a few boulders, making our way back to the river. No more than 20 feet away from last year's sighting I heard a short buzz, looked down and there was the same snake, 3 feet away from me. It lurched for me, and now was about two feet away. Without thought, I supermaned to the left and flew about 8 feet, and quickly turned toward it. It was already moving away slowly, and finding a safe hiding spot. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins, and I was high as a kite. What a rush! The Rattlesnakes of the Northern Sierra are very dark, almost black, with whitish/tan markings. Make a mental note of that. 

Be careful out there. If you do indeed see, or startle a snake, just leave it be. They really don't want anything to do with humans. Most people who get bit, are the ones who antagonize, and screw with them.


Saturday, August 1, 2015

RIO's Two Tone Tippet Material

Innovation, and the staircase of progression is what I love about RIO Products, the R&D Team is constantly trying new ideas and equipment on the water. Remember the old ads of the past with the dudes in the white lab coats? Yeah, exactly, rocket science. As a RIO ambassador I was sent a collection of their newest videos and was stoked to see the "Two Tone Tippet Material". Right away I knew exactly what I would use this for, that being, the top section of my short line high sticking leaders. The two tones of the colors chartreuse and pink will allow the angler to see the subtle movements when getting a take. When my dad taught me high sticking in the 70's, he always told me to set the hook if the leader stops, twitches, or moves upstream. Back then we just used clear monofilament, and it was so taxing on the eyes, starring at it all day long. Wish we had a little "Two Tone" to help us out, it makes a big difference. 

Check out the video link above, as Simon Gawesworth explains all the really cool things you can do with the tippet material, including the "slinky" indicator pictured above. I'm looking forward to trying this out, especially once we get some water in the Truckee River. Innovation, white lab coats, and fly fishing. That's what RIO is all about.

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