Spring Edition

Spring Edition
Spring Edition

Monday, February 25, 2019

Buying Commercially Tied Flies

Though I tie most of my flies, I do buy commercially tied flies during the busy summer season, or certain patterns that burn up my valuable time. As a totally independent guide I have to rely on myself for everything. Nobody books trips for me. I must manage my own website and blog which I update on a weekly basis. Factor in marketing, networking, writing articles for magazines, upkeep on equipment (gear, boats, vehicles, etc.), and administrative duties adds up to being a full time job, which I enjoy immensely. I have a few tips for you which will make your commercially tied flies last longer and preform better on the water.

 1) After purchasing your flies from your local fly shop or distributor, take the time to de barb the hook of all of the patterns in hand.

2) With a bottle of Sally Hansen's Hard Nails Extreme clear formula nail polish, glue the thread wraps with a needle for precise control and flow of the liquid, and let dry. Commercially tied flies are not glued at the time they are manufactured by hand, and that's why they fall apart

3) Take the time to clip off any stray hairs or other imperfections the pattern may have.

4) For dry flies, soak each fly in Loon Outdoors Hydrostop liquid and let dry for 48 hours. Your dry flies will float longer and will resist from being drowned by excessive water.

Once you've completed all of the steps above, the flies you bought will last longer and preform better while you are on the water. Make your well earned money last longer buy taking the extra time and attention of sealing the deal.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Fierce Weather ~ Lower Yuba River Report ~ Presentations ~ Pleasanton Fly Fishing Show

What a series of storms! That was impressive to say the least. My new home above Nevada City is at the 3,100 foot elevation so we saw a little more snow than down below. But that didn't really matter since the storm warmed up with a sub-tropical Atmospheric River that provided rain on top snow creating more flooding issues. I was really nervous with the big winds that moved through the region, it sounded like a non stop freight train was circling my house. Conifers were being flexed beyond capacity, and many of them came down including three over North Bloomfield Road taking out power lines and utility poles - It was a mess! Temps dropped again and the snow returned, in fact as I write this on Sunday afternoon, it is still snowing.

As you can see in the picture above, we have a really good snow pack that bodes well for the warmer months ahead. Records have been broken for February and the month is far from over. The forecast for the next week calls for a few days of sunshine/partly cloudy skies, then a small system dropping down from the north for Wednesday into Thursday and colder than normal temperatures. 
We call the forecast beyond 10 days the fantasy range because the forecast models lose so much accuracy that far out. It still appears that we could see a brief period of high-pressure building in over the West Coast during the week of the 25th bringing a drier and milder pattern. I for one am hoping for a brief dry spell.

Well, the Lower Yuba River got up to 21,819 cubes at its peak, and Englebright dam was spilling over at its max of 105% of capacity. Flows have come way down and are now at 3,970 cfs, and Englebright is still spilling at 101% of capacity. I have not been down to the river in over a week so I have no idea how the clarity of the water is. I do know before the storm the water had about 2-3 feet of visibility and my friends were catching a few fish nymphing with dirt snakes and stones. With big water events the water within Englebright will be saturated with suspended silt and sometimes it can takes weeks for it to clear, even though the flows have come down. I'll be heading down there in the coming week to keep tabs on the current conditions and will provide some pictures on my FB page.

On this coming Thursday evening, February 21st, I will be presenting to Peninsula Fly Fishers with my High Water Tactics program. With all of that new rain and snowfall, this program is perfect for the conditions upon us and the spring thaw of the Sierra snowpack. Techniques, tactics, water to target, tight line nymphing, streamer presentations, equipment, and flies will all be covered. Doors open at 7pm at the PFF clubhouse located at 1665 Fernside St. Redwood City, Ca 94061. The event is free and open to the public. For more information click HERE

The biggest fly fishing show in California takes place this coming February 22nd through the 24th at the Alameda County Fairgrounds. If you never been to this event, it is a must for the fly angler looking to increase their knowledge and awareness. Manufacturers will be there showcasing their latest soft and hard goods, along with celebrities, legends of the sport, speakers, master fly tiers, guides, casting demonstrations, and clinics. I will be working in the Truckee Guide Network booth, # E-11, along side Da Dean of Guides, Frank Pisciotta. Stop on by and shoot the breeze, or learn about the fantastic opportunities like the Native Sons Truckee Tours for 2019. For more information on the Pleasanton Fly Fishing Show click HERE 

Still snowing...Heavily now...See you on the water...Hopefully soon!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

GuideBox ~ Guided Experiences for the DIY Angler

Whether you're new to it, want to explore new rivers, or traveling and want to get on the water, GuideBox is the quickest and easiest way to get the gear and information you need in river specific and guide-curated kits to get fishing.

Designed by lifelong friends Justin Bilbao and Gregg Shaw, GuideBox is a collaborative project between professional guides, top shelf fly fishing brands, key retail partners and anglers to help you "Know Your Water". These are Guided Experiences for the DIY Angler.

Each GuideBox is curated with the right flies, the right leader and the right gear for your river, at the time you want to fish it. Also included with each box is a detailed river map, guide notes, a handful of stickers, and a mystery surprise for on or off the water. Your GuideBox contains all the information and equipment you need to become a proficient and ethical angler, and subscribers gain access to a members only web and mobile portal with up to the minute river information, water conditions, guide notes and instructional content.


Each GuideBox Contains:

(8) premium, guide curated flies designed for your water, at the time you want to fish.
(1) reusable, segmented GuideBox fly cup.
(1) river specific 9’ tapered GuideBox leader.
(1) river specific spool of GuideBox tippet.
(1) pack of GuideBox weights.
(1) GuideBox indicator.
(1) River Data card with map and access points.
(1) Guide card with Guide Notes and intel.
(2) GuideBox stickers.
(1) mystery item for on or off water use.

The GuideBox roster of fly fishing guides brings decades of knowledge and experience to each unique GuideBox. Navigate through the website to learn more about the GuideBox pros who curate each box to help you succeed, and learn how to be a subscriber to this useful and informative fly fishing tool. I'm extremely stoked to be a part of this project and looking forward to creating more boxes for the aspiring fly angler!


Monday, February 4, 2019

Lower Yuba River Update 2/4/2019 - Blown!!!

Reported on Monday Febuary 4th at 10:40am - The parade of storm systems spinning into Northern California has greatly effected the river conditions with higher flows and turbidity. The projected river forecast is calling for flows to be between 5 and 7,000 cfs by tomorrow morning. Englebright will probably spill over as the reservoir is at 96% of capacity. 

Deer creek continues to rise and fall with each systems that plows through. With low snow levels last night and tonight into Tuesday, there will be more runoff in the local micro watersheds that feed into the tributary's of the North, Middle, and South forks of the Yuba. All that water collecting together for their final flow down the Lower Yuba River, and into the Feather River.

I'm looking forward to days like the picture above, but it might be a while before the river has optimum conditions again. We'll just have to wait and see. Make the most of this down time by tying flies, cleaning lines, organizing gear, and reading up on a particular aquatic insect, or a certain technique for future outings. If you have any questions about the Lower Yuba River, or want to get on my calendar for 2019, just give me a call at 530.228.0487, or shoot me an email at baiocchistroutfitters@yahoo.com

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