Spring Edition

Spring Edition
Spring Edition

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Fishing Report - NF Yuba

On my way home from Grass Valley I stopped to wet a line above Sierra City. I found a turn out with no cars and made my way down to the river, flows are a bit lower than last time out, and the water temp was 59 degrees. Caddis flies and Crane flies hovered at the heads of plunge pools. I tied on a #16 X-Caddis in tan on 5x and proceeded to work my way upstream, dodging Seep Spring Monkey flowers and Lewis's Monkey flowers as I crept into position to cast. Fish were stacked at the heads of pools and deep runs in the white water, and a few heads poked up every now and then to give myself a target. Red Skimmer dragonflies patrolled their beats in anticipation of a meal, giving chase to other dragonflies who wanted some of their territory. Fishing is still very good for mid day, and as evening comes it will only be better. I caught and released so many wild rainbows from 5-13" I......lost count! The trout really had me second guessing as the smaller bows would rush the fly, and the larger ones would take a slow sip. Sharp eyes were needed as to set quickly, or wait a few seconds longer for the bigger fish. I fished for three hours until the recreational swimmer hatch came on, and with that kind of company the trout dropped to bottom of the river and out of reach of my dry fly. I saw many anglers here and there, but the old saying rang loud and true - 10% of the fisherman catch 90% of the fish. This is such a fantastic fishery! I hope one day you can wet a line as I did on this fabulous first day of August.

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