Within five minutes I had my first fish, an 18"er in really good shape and girth. I used a camo Int. line with a 9 foot leader to 3x, and a root beer glimmer bead head wiggle tail, with a dark cinnamon tail in a size 12. I got three more bumps in the next half hour, but the wind was really turning on. A hint on where to find the fish right now? Look for packs of pelicans chasing rainbows and trying to gulp them down whole!
The wind grew more and with it huge mats of grass and weeds so big, it would please a pair of Dorado looking for cover. The weeds became a problem so I went down to Honker and viewed
the plowing progress and the famous stuck vehicle.
Alpine Buttercups were abundant on Sunny moist slopes. Gulls and Ravens did pace lines back and forth on the shore and forest, they were having fun in the big wind. There was the most impressive display of flight as I saw two Golden Eagles so high up they were just dots - And that's a big bird! Only the eyes through the binoculars could get the ID.
I fished the bathtub bucket for an hour and picked up another trout at "16 on the same fly and set up. There were 4 fly anglers at the mouth of the creek who were just hammering fish - It was evident there was a pod of spawning rainbows in front of them. Been there, and done that.
I had such a great time today just walking around and taking it all in for my first day wetting a line here. What beautiful place to fish. I will let you all know how things are on the lake after the storms clear out.