Spring Edition

Spring Edition
Spring Edition

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Planet Snow

November 17th marked my last day casting and stalking stillwater trout in Eastern Plumas Co.  For the past 9 days I have been shoveling, blowing, and plowing trout water - all 54" of it!  My own personal glacier is surrounding my house and it's going to be here for a long time.  The temps have been way below normal for this time of year as well, in fact it feels like January.  The north and middle basins of Eagle Lake are already frozen over, only the south basin remains ice free and the only game to play is off the bank, or in a personal water craft.  I've been in a real funk for the last week as well, depressed, lonely as hell, and I'm questioning myself if I can do another winter here - I've been living in a winter wonderland for most of my life.

At least I picked up a few snow removal jobs on my street to keep me busy and in shape, and snowboarding the local hills getting some pow pow.  I hope to get up to Eagle Lake after this next weather system blows through, if you are planning on going up there please check out Val Aubrey's site  http://eaglelakefishing.info/index.html - Nobody has better information for the pond than Val, she really takes it to the next level!  Well, today I get to remove an ice dam on my roof, oh the joys of living in the Sierras!

1 comment:

Frank R. Pisciotta said...

Jon---Hang in there bud. I understand, it is too early to get the "shack-nasties". Come down to the big city (Truckee) an spend a day or two with me for a change of scenery. Madison is welcome.


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