Spring Edition

Spring Edition
Spring Edition

Friday, July 26, 2013

VestPac Smart Phone Waterproof Case Review

I've been shopping around for quite some time on a reliable and secure waterproof case for my Motorola Droid Maxx and VestPac has stepped it up and delivered. This case is simple with two closures and a back up roll closure as well. VestPac offers other models that have ear bud connectors for your favorite beats. Check out this short video of the case in action describing all the features.

At $19.95 it's an affordable piece of insurance for your valuable electronics, and it's %100 guaranteed. The specs are;  

  • IPX8 rated 100% waterproof.
  • Puncture, tear, and scratch resistant.
  • Made to withstand extreme heat and cold.
  • Compatible with most smartphones (including all iPhones).

My VestPac case has worked great so far in all adverse conditions, if anyone can test a product and take it to its limit it's me! On larger phones like my Droid it is a tight fit and it slides in easier if you take your rubber case off. I'm really tough on gear because I roam "where the wild things are", If it fails you'll here about here. So far so good.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Featured Article In Mountain Valley Living Magazine

Check out this article I wrote for Mountain Valley Living Magazine on the North Fork Yuba River, it's just a small sampler to this spectacular and beautiful region in Northern California. If you have never been to the NFYR do yourself a favor and just go! For more information on the area or to book a trip please contact me at Baiocchi's Troutfitters

Friday, July 12, 2013

North Fork Yuba River Adventures & Fishing Report 7/12

For the past month I've been taking my guests to the North Yuba as the river conditions on the Middle Fork Feather are too warm and low. Great fishing conditions on the NFY came early this year with the lack of a normal snow pack and an early warm spring. All systems are "go" now and the river is in it's classic summer mode with productive fishing in the morning to late afternoon, then again for the evening rise. With a low runoff year aquatic insects are more prevalent as the river is not scoured by heavy high spring flows. Caddis flies are the most abundant food source here and an angler's fly box should have plenty of pupa, emerger, and adult patterns in a variety of sizes and colors to match the hatch. Water temps are running 62-68 in the lower river and 57-65 in the upper reaches. As more summer heat comes on it is important to focus where natural springs and feeder creeks enter the river as trout will be stacked below these cold sources of water.

The lower river below the town of Downieville offers more water, bigger fish, and more brown trout. Water temps warm more quickly here and an angler that gets here early will do better before the bite shuts down in the early afternoon. Yesterday I explored some remote reaches below Good Years Bar, areas that require some extreme descents and grueling outs up steep terrain. The trout are favoring highly oxygenated pocket water and shady runs that offer a good flow mixed in with micro currents and seams.

Being able to read water correctly with an understanding on why trout favor these areas during different times of the day is an important part of fly fishing. This is one of the first things I teach my students. My father taught me the importance of trout habitat when I first started out, back then in the 70's reading water and presentation was way more important than fly selection. To this day I still believe these are still the most important tools we carry with us. The above photo shows a deeper slot up against a submerged log which provided me the opportunity of catching two small brown trout. Browns really love wood for some reason and why log jams and other "woody" stream side habitat should be carefully dissected and fished.

During yesterday's venture "where the wild things are" I noticed several fresh Golden Stone shucks on the rocks, with a little probing around the polished granite boulders nearby I found this adult specimen in the shade adapting to its new world out of the water. I started out with a #10 yellow Stimulator with a KGB Caddis Emerger dropper in a size 16. After catching a dozen fish with only three on the dropper I removed the bottom fly and just fished the dry. Those trout really wanted the big bug!

Besides the yellow Stimulator, other effective dry flies included the Royal Wulff in a size #14 and Jonny B's Simple Sandwich Hopper #10.

This is your average North Fork Yuba wild rainbow, with vibrant colors and crisp clean lines. They are so beautiful and every time I hold one I cherish the moment. 

There is plenty of summer left to explore and soak in the coolness of the North Fork Yuba river. The canyon's natural beauty and remote wildness sells itself, if you can appreciate these simple things in life you'll be quite content here. 

Escape, explore, and lose yourself. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Tying the KGB Caddis Emerger

In 1995 I began a yearly pilgrimage that lasted 10 years to the Madison River in Montana with my dad. He began his own in the early 70's and shared all of his favorite haunts in the area with me. During our first year we were introduced to Dom's Fly; the Serendipity. The pattern back then was so ridiculously easy to tie yet so effective whether it was short line high sticking or swung through the riffles. It was one of those flies you always went to in a tough situation for you knew it was going to preform well. 

A few years later I met the inventor of the Serendipity on the banks of the Fall river in Northern California through a mutual friend. Dominic Traverso chuckled when I brought up his simple fly, then showed me his latest series from his bench. His new flies sparked some wild ideas in my brain and the following summer when it was time for our annual Madison River trip I created the KGB Caddis Emerger. This fly has kicked ass from Montana to Colorado, and back home in the Northern Sierra. One key trigger that the fish see and react to is the rainbow 3D flash loop wing. 

My latest version has incorporated the use of Spirit River's UV2 materials which has made this fly even more deadly than before. The black bead is a new addition as well making this fly a perfect match when dropping it off a Hopper pattern or a Stimulator as it cuts below the surface film right in the strike zone. Tie a few of these up and see for yourself just how effective this killer green bug is! You can adjust the color of the body and wing, plus tie it in different sizes to match the specific caddis hatch your fishing. Thanks for the insight Dom!  

-Hook: Tiemco 2457 #12-20.
-Bead: black, diameter to match hook size.
-Thread: Olive or color to match Uni Thread 6/0 to 8/0 depending on the size.
-Body: Olive Midge Lace or color to match.
-Wing: Dun colored UV2 sparkle yarn.
-Top Wing: Rainbow 3D flash tied in loop style.
-Thorax: UV2 Peacock Herl.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Lake Davis Still Water Outings; Sharing The Knowledge & Passion

When Rob Anderson and I decided on doing a guided still water group outing last winter we wanted to take it to the next level and beyond. The excursion was molded to offer the entire spectrum of a still water experience at Northern California's Lake Davis. More than a classroom clinic, our outings combined hands on instruction for all types of conditions for each individual, a detailed power point presentation on the fishery and aquatic insects, plus a friendly social environment where strangers become fishing buddies when it was all over. We explained all the parameters of rod rigging, knots, leader formulas, shallow water presentations, sinking line techniques, and deep water indicating in great detail.

Our daily after lunch briefings gave everybody a chance to share what worked and what did not work out on the water. The information shared gave those who were less fortunate in the catching department to increase their odds when going back out on the water for round two. It's amazing when you have a dozen rods in the water at once with fly anglers of different skill levels from beginner to expert and see the immediate results first hand.

Water craft of all types were discussed explaining the advantages and tactics that could be employed. It was no surprise to myself that a pontoon boat or float tube with an intermediate line with the right fly in the right area was the most productive. With this set up an angler can cover more water with their fly in the strike zone for a longer period of time. So many good options displayed here for different types of applications and budgets.

Offering the Hexagenia Mayfly experience was the icing on the cake for our guests. Many of them had not even seen the famous "hex" hatch in real life let alone fish one. Everybody in the group was giddy with excitement as the sun faded away and darkness engulfed the realm of the lake awaiting for the big yellow bug to "pop" out onto the water's surface. It is one of mother nature's greatest spectacle!

The highlight for myself during each of our outings was bringing anglers to some select spots and teaching them the art of trout stalking from the bank during the damselfly hatch. This is my first and foremost love and addiction when it come to still waters. More than just fishing, this is hunting for a wary wild animal where your skills must be honed and polished to perfection. Our guests were astonished when they could see under the glare and spot a cruising rainbow in 6 inches of water, something they did not think was possible in the world of a still water trout. 

The grub; fall off the bone smoked ribs, garlic gravy cowboy beans, slow cooked pulled pork sandwiches with fresh made southern coleslaw, BBQ marinated trip tip with corn and grilled carrots, and deluxe turkey wraps loaded with all the goods to round out our last lunch. Rob has the whole catering down to a science and it was so appreciated after putting some long hours on the water.

For those who would like to get in on a fun filled and informative weekend of still water fly fishing at Lake Davis, we are now offering a "Fall Outing" September 20th - 22nd of 2013 due to the overwhelming demand and positive feedback from both groups! Spots are limited so please contact Rob Anderson of Reno Fly Fishing Outfitters or myself at Baiocchi's Troutfitters to sign up and lock your date in. If you can't make it we will be offering more outings at Lake Davis in 2014 where you too can experience a great time and learn the right information to approach any western still water with great success!

I leave you with a few more images from our special time on the water, take a minute and imagine yourself here surrounded by the dense aquatic hatches and the great fishing that Lake Davis is known for. It's time to experience the magic!

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