Spring Edition

Spring Edition
Spring Edition

Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Big Thank You...

Well, I'm back home after being on the road for the last two weeks sharing the beautiful waters of the North Fork Yuba, Lake Davis, and Eagle Lake. I'd like to thank my friends and guests who offered me a hot meal and a warm bed to sleep on. It's your support that allows me to live the dream - and oh what a dream is has become! 

Extreme weather has cloaked me since I left and that's a good thing, it makes me appreciate every day that offers nice sunny conditions. Not to mention keeping me in check and making sure I stay as hard as nails. I'm still blown away how dedicated and passionate us fly anglers are when Mother Nature kicks our butt. It was proven again with the Shasta Trinity Fly Fishers Eagle Lake outing this past week as a gusty north wind pounded the shore line and made the lake look like the Pacific Ocean for days.

I'll be on the road again this coming week for a 3 week run, hopefully the wind gods will be a little nicer to me and my guests. If not, we'll just adapt and adjust like any strong trout would do. 

Chrysothamnus nauseosus; rabbit brush at Eagle Lake.

1 comment:

Abbey Inn Cedar said...

The more information you have, the more likely you are to succeed, and this really applies to fly fishing.

Alaska Fresh Water Fishing

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