A Native Northern Californian with 49 years of hands on fly fishing for trout, Jon Baiocchi carries on the tradition of sharing the knowledge and the passion passed down from his father, a fly fishing hall of famer, and a legendary voice for saving California fisheries for over 40 years. Jon’s home is the rich flora and fauna of the foothills to the Northern Sierra. Fly fishing, guiding, public speaking, tying, writing, and teaching. The Baiocchi family legacy continues...
Spring Edition

Spring Edition
Monday, March 30, 2015
RIO Suppleflex Leaders
Last year I was introduced to the RIO Suppleflex leader by my good friend Tom Page of Reel Anglers fly shop in Grass Valley. immediately we concurred that this leader would make a great addition to swinging soft hackles on the Lower Yuba River. The Suppleflex offered more, and after a full year of using it, I can say it has opened up many more doors of presentations.
The leader itself is soft and supple, just as the name implies. It comes in 2 different lengths, 9 foot, and 13.5 feet. I prefer the 13.5, it turns over well, and for technical fly first dry fly presentations to wary educated trout, it can't be beat. The leader is so soft that it tames the many micro currents that can affect your fly in having too much drag. The RIO Suppleflex leader has proven without a doubt to me as a key component for successful dry fly fishing.
The other door that this leader opened for me, was bringing it into the still water arena. The RIO Suppleflex 13.5 performed magnificently with the damsel hatch at Lake Davis last spring. The top green section of the leader blended in nicely with the surrounding weed beds, and the softness of the leader gave my damsel imitations a little more life, especially using a closed loop knot. The long length also helped in keeping the fly line well away from those spooky trout in shallow water.
The Suppleflex leader provides so many different oppertunities when it comes to delivering your fly, check one out on your next trip, you won't be disappointed.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Lower Yuba River Fishing Report 3/25/15
The Lower Yuba River is on fire right now with abundant
hatches of March Browns, and Pink Alberts! This is it, exceptional dry fly
fishing but as usual on the Lower Yuba bring you’re A game, you're going to
need it. It was so intense at one point today we just stopped fishing, and
watched the show. Observations can be the best teacher if you’re willing to
take a break, and learn. Fishing pressure was light today, flows are at 576
cubes with a minimal Deer Creek factored in, and water temps have bumped up a
bit to 53 degrees.
My guests and I started out nymphing today with very little
action, then at 10 am all hell broke loose. Wild rainbows started to rise
everywhere, and many in very skinny water. We hooked several nice fat rainbows
17-20”, landing them was an issue though. When hooked these superior athletes
of a trout turn on the afterburners and rocket downstream. Sometimes you just
can’t stop them.
The Skwala hatch is waning, but keep in mind these fish will
still look for them in the afternoons in the side water foam lines. Right now
it’s all about the March Browns and the Pinkies, whether on top or a drowned
emerger just below the film. Effective dries; March Brown Sparkle Comparaduns
#14, Parachute Pink Alberts #14, and Quigley’s Pink Albert Hackle Stackers #16.
5x tippet will get more grabs but be easy on the fight, or you’ll pop the knot
in an instant. One tip I will share is your dry fly presentation must be fly
first, downstream, without any drag, while bump mending and paying out line for
long drifts. It’s a hard presentation to master, but a learned skill that will
decide success or failure. Yeah, this is it, now is the time on the Lower Yuba.
Seek your quest.
Lupine reaching for the sky on the banks of the Lower Yuba.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Lost Coast Outfitters Middle Fork Feather River Clinic
Middle Fork of the Feather River Clinic presented by Jon Baiocchi
Fly fishing guide Jon Baiocchi will take you on a journey of
the Middle Fork of the Feather River explaining different reaches of the river,
techniques, and showing the varied flies that will make your next outing a
Clinic date: June 6th, 2015
Where to meet: Graeagle Outpost, 8am
Jon will be instructing 4 anglers total on the finer points
-Setting up common rigs.
-Entomology & Fly choice.
-Multiple public access points.
-Fishing etiquette.
-How to identify trout holding water.
-How to consistently catch trout on the Middle Fork of the Feather.
-Tips and tricks from a professional.
-Entomology & Fly choice.
-Multiple public access points.
-Fishing etiquette.
-How to identify trout holding water.
-How to consistently catch trout on the Middle Fork of the Feather.
-Tips and tricks from a professional.
1 spot available as of 3/26/15
Bring your own lunch, rods and reels, flies and everything
you need to fish. A gear list will be provided for you upon sign up.
$200.00 per non-member
$150.00 per member of Lost Coat Outfitters
Email Jon at baiocchistroutfitters@yahoo.com
or adventures@lostcoastoutfitters to sign up and reserve your spot today!
Contact Lost Coast Outfitters at (415).483.2278 for more
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Truckee Guide Network Annual Board Meeting
Every spring The Truckee Guide Network gets together for a fish out, and discusses the upcoming season. Ideas are thrown around, and the details of such are refined. Most importantly we do what we do best, making perfect presentations with a hope of hooking the snag that moves...
Saturday, March 14, 2015
TTFF Presentation 3/19/2015 ~ Lower Yuba / North Fork Yuba River
This coming Thursday on March 19th I will be presenting my Lower Yuba / North Fork Yuba River PowerPoint at the Tahoe Truckee Fly Fisher's monthly meeting. I will be showcasing over 200 slides of beautiful photography, maps showing access points, and diagrams. You'll learn about the history of the watershed, techniques & tactics, entomology, and the go to flies that match each hatch.
The meeting will be held at the Truckee Rec Center, doors open at 6 pm, followed by the general meeting. After business has been taken care, my stellar program will be center stage that is sure to unlock a few mysteries, and answer the tough questions on the Lower Yuba River, a legendary tail water, and the awesome canyon water of the NFYR. Admission is free, so there is no reason not to be there. I hope to see you all!
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Sierra Nets
During my 7 Club presentation tour in Southern California at
the Pasadena Casting Club meeting, I met master craftsman Greg Madrigal, owner
of Sierra Nets who produces the most beautiful fishing nets I've ever laid eyes
on. Greg is highly skilled in custom wood working and because of his love for
fly fishing, Sierra Nets was born. His nets are absolutely incredible and must
be held in person to get the full effect.
Some of the hardwood lumber that Greg uses is milled from
locally harvested urban hardwoods which lies around the studio, drying, in
preparation to one day be a beautiful net.
After air drying for up to 3 years, he uses a band saw, table saw and
planer, to tediously work it into useable lumber. Also used are rescued or
recycled wood, as well as exotic wood species. Some of the woods Sierra Nets
stock are: Genuine Mahogany, Figured Claro Walnut, Pacific Big Leaf Maple,
Spalted Maple, Black Walnut, Wenge, Maple, Maple Burl, Bird’s Eye Maple,
Quilted Maple, Curly Maple, Spanish Cedar, Cherry, Bloodwood, Cocobolo,
Mahogany, African Mahogany, Carolina Cherry Burl, White Oak, Padauk, Canary
Wood, Douglas Fir, Teak, Red Oak, and Black Acacia.
There are many models to choose from, or you can have a
custom net made to your specs including custom aluminum inlaid graphics or
initials. These nets are so incredibly strong, and extremely light thanks to a
special epoxy inlay process between the laminations of different woods. Also
included in the Sierra Net line are magnetic net holders, custom net cases,
hand crafted lanyards, and magnetic rod holders. The typical net order is
around $450, out the door, including an amazing customized net, a magnetic net
release, and shipping. These are truly heirloom nets. One grip in your hand and
you will understand! To contact Greg and order your custom net call him at 714-305-1026
~ info@sierra-nets.com
Or go to his website and see his work; http://www.sierra-nets.com/CMS-Sierra/
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Lower Yuba River Fishing Report 3/8/2015 ~ Aquatic Soup Du Jour
Sunshine and water, the ultimate prescription to a long life and happiness has been the norm on the Lower Yuba River as of late. Water conditions are very clear and low and the flows dropped down to 667 cubes last night, with Deer creek only adding a wimpy 12 cfs. Fishing pressure has been thick in certain areas, but there is still so much water one can fish without pressure, and those in the mix know that 10% catch of the anglers 90% of the fish.
Guiding and educating anglers is my life now, this is what I
do, and will continue to do so until I cannot fish anymore. Guiding is also how
I pay my rent, and put food on my table, paying the expenses of my everyday life,
including my business. I’m not just some fly by night make a quick dollar type
a guy, I give back, I pay it forward, and the fly fishing industry’s response
to me in the mix has been extremely positive. In my view the fishery comes
first, the public second, and commercial guiding absolutely last.
The Yuba is going off right now, and hatches have been
insane! March browns, skwalas, PMD's, Pinkies, and Gray Drakes from about 10am
to 3pm. Late in the day a Skwala dry with a dropper has been super effective. Banner
year for the Golden stone fly that is emerging a full month ahead of schedule,
the most I've seen on this river ever. Bring your Yellow #8 stimis, and keep
your head on a swivel for active rising fish no matter the species of aquatic
insect involved.
There is so many new wild steelhead and resident wild trout
spawning in the Lower Yuba right now. Please walk and anglers, look out where
you step, your wading actions could crush new steelhead and also resident wild
trout fry and eggs that lay in the fine cobble. Avoid clean fine gravel
depressions in tail outs while wading.
Flies; sub surface, Hogans S&M in dark olive #16 & #18, Military Mays (same color and size), Worms in red and natural, and try swinging a BH Hare's Ear in a size 12 to copy the emerging Gray Drake. Dries; PMD & March Brown Sparkle Comparaduns. Skwala patterns are still very effective and the bugs have been out in good force. When other anglers tell me they have not seen any skwalas I question their game. I see so many of them as do my guests. Maybe stop and sit in one location for half an hour and just....observe and learn. It's that simple. They have been thick the last two weeks, late afternoon presentations are best. Get out there and explore, escape, and lose yourself in the wild trout fishery of the Lower Yuba. It's our water to enjoy.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Lower Yuba River Fishing Report 3/3/2015
Overall fishing conditions have been good on the Lower Yuba River, the water is a little clearer than I like it, but we have to deal with what is given to us. A small storm rolled through on Friday night and Saturday that did not affect the river at all, currently the river is flowing at 721 cubes, with Deer creek adding another measly 18 cfs. Angling pressure has been thick at the more popular access areas, but you can always find a spot to yourself in the 5 mile section from the Hwy 20 bridge to Sycamore Ranch.
The Skwala hatch has intensified in the last week and a half with a good population on the lower river. The rainbows are programmed now to move into the side water from 12 to 5pm anticipating those twitchy legged stones floating down the micro currents. Some fish are eager to take your skwala pattern on the first drift, others that have been picked on require perfect presentations, with the perfect fly. You may even have to drop down to 5x on those picky feeders. Cast less and observe more.
A few Golden Stones have been observed on the bank which is way early for them but with another wimpy winter it does not surprise me at all. Aquatic samplings have revealed a bumper crop of Baetis, and Rhyacophila caddis commonly known as the green rock worm. A rare find was a huge Pterronarcys stone fly, like a prime rib dinner for four to a trout. Effective sub surface flies have been Lance's X-May, and Hogan's Military Mays, Red Headed Step Child, and his new Amigo May. Small flies #16-18 that are dark and flashy is getting the best results. For the surface Skwala adults, March Browns, and BWO's is all you need.
Lance Gray & Company's Lower Yuba Tours once again have been a huge success! I'm so grateful to be involved and share my knowledge with our guests. It is so awesome to see how eager they are to learn about this legendary tail water fishery which is within reach for anglers from the bay area. Our tours are full this year so make sure to keep your 2016 calenders open in February and March. Dates to be announced later on with some new clinics as well that will blow you away.
My presentation on the Northern Sierra at the Reno Fly Shop was well attended, owner Jim Litchfield and I expected about 30 people to show up but but when the final number of 70 was counted we were both surprised. Because of the amount of fly anglers that were in attendance we will be doing more presentations in the future. You can find out about these upcoming presentations by following the Reno Fly Shop's blog here; http://renoflyshop.com/blog/
That's it from mission control, the weather once again will be nice in the next week so get out there and get into them!
Monday, March 2, 2015
Tight Lines Jewelry ~ Renee Schatzley Gall's Artistic Fly Fishing Creations
The Pleasanton Fly Fishing show allows me to meet some fantastic people in the industry who share the same passion as I do in regards to fly fishing for trout, and other species. We fly tiers are very artistic, and you can see the talent with each special pattern, but what Renee Schatzley Gall creates is beyond words. Her exquisite fly fishing jewelry is so unique, so well crafted, and so special. When I first saw her work, I was blown away. Incredible pieces that last a lifetime, and deserve being handed down through generations of a fly fishing family.
When the busy season comes and the funds are plentiful, I'm going to purchase some of Renee's work for sure, it's so awesome! To learn more about Renee and her exceptional jewelry go here; http://tightlinesjewelry.com/ and see the incredibly detailed work she creates through pendants, earrings, cuff links, rings, bracelets, and tie tacks. So impressed, and Renee is a serious fly angler herself!
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