Spring Edition

Spring Edition
Spring Edition

Friday, January 15, 2016

Streamer Candy For Big Trout / Steelhead

It's a known fact that big flies catch big fish, but don't be surprised if a smaller fish attacks your 4 inch streamer. Not many fly anglers choose the path of swinging, and stripping meat flies, but in my opinion, it's a technique all anglers should have in their tool belt. Articulated streamer flies have been all the rage in the last few years, I tied my first one (the rainbow trout as shown above) in 2004 for the aggressive brown trout on the Madison River in Montana. This pattern is a true Double Bunny, the more water soaked it gets, the more it flows and becomes alive. The top three flies were tied by Tayler Wells of Tailwalker Guide Service and could be used for both trout and steelhead. I need to take some tying lessons from him as these streamers are truly a work of art.

The Green Zonker has been a long time favorite of mine. It's the fly that allowed me to hook into numerous 20 to 24" fish on the Madison River. Even more impressive is when my buddies and I fished it at night there, it was responsible for a 28 and 33" brown trout. Rabbit hair is amazing as it breathes and pulsates in the currents.

Fishing streamers on the Truckee River in winter time can be very productive with an array of different swings and stripping techniques. These different presentations can be learned in Lance Gray's Streamer Workshop that I'll be teaching at. The date is March 5th and there are only a few spots open at this time. Contact Lance to get enrolled. By the way, yellow/brown streamers with copper flash are deadly on the Truckee River. Adding the streamer game to your arsenal can pay off with possibly the fish of a lifetime. 

See ya on the water.....

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