The last few weeks at Lake Davis we saw above normal
temperatures with some days of light wind. During this time there were fish in
the shallows until about 1pm, then returning to the first ledge in deeper water
from 8 to 15 feet. Water temperatures went from 60 to 64, then 58 to 62
degrees. Currently after this last storm rolled through, the water temps
dropped down to 55 to 58 degrees. The lake received 2 inches of snow last
night, and it was in the low twenties this morning. Conditions will be warming
up and by this coming Friday, it will 70 during the day and 32 at night.

Fishing pressure has increased as well, there are more
trailers in the lot at Honker Cove, and popular areas like Jenkins and Cow
Creek are seeing a few vehicles parked there. Honker Cove is still operational,
but the Forest Service refuses to move the dock out further into the lake. If
you tie your boat up at the dock you may not be able to back your trailer into
the correct depth, in other words, you are going to hit your boat. Camp 5 is
still operational as well, but there is no dock in the water, it’s on the
concrete ramp as the Forest Service never put it in this year. Your tax dollars,
hard at work.

The lake is fishing better than expected and with the water
levels at 56%, it is fishing like a typical fall. The last two fall seasons
were absolutely dismal with the lower water levels. During those two seasons
there was a bunch of fish in front of Long Point, and Lightning Tree Cove, this
year I’m seeing many anglers who caught fish back then returning, and not
finding the fish. Different levels of the lake will have an effect on where the
fish will be. I have seen the most populations from Eagle Point all the way up
to Cow Creek. There is some fish up in the northern lake, but I think we’ll see
them gang up there in the future as they normally do in late October. Overall fish
are scattered and some areas have a higher percentage of rainbows than others,
pods are coming into the same shallows to feed day in and day out. This may
change after this last storm, and lower water temperatures, I've seen it happen
many times before.

A week and a half ago we had warmer temperatures and some
glassy days with a Callibaetis hatch from 10:30 to just after noon. The
mayflies were very small in a size 18, and the last brood of the season. We had
some incredible sight fishing with both nymphs and adults on the surface, with
fish in 1 to 3 feet of water. It’s always more fun when you have targets to
cast to. There have been a few blood midges out, but the hatch has been sparse.
I’m seeing snail shells on some banks in the north end of the lake, which is
cool to see. Some of these shells are extremely large and offer a good meal for
a trout with one bite. If it is flat calm out in the morning don’t forget about
scum lines in deeper water, sometimes this phenomenon can happen on the east
shore near the island. The fish are taking leftovers from the day before, and
these “dumpster divers” are actively rising and finning on the surface. Pro
tip; don’t anchor, and just free float, be prepared to make 60 foot casts
or further with a high amount of accuracy. Buggers leeches, and wiggle tails
are becoming more effective during the autumn season, and the classic colors
for this time of year include burnt orange, fiery brown, cinnamon, rust, and
Big wind and big water punished the lake last Friday through
Sunday. It was ugly, and along with the low pressure the fishing was off.
Friday’s winds gusted to 40 mph, Saturday was a little less violent but the
bite did not come on until 2pm. You never know when the switch is going to be
turned on, and sometimes it pays to wait the day out instead of leaving. With
Sunday’s wind it was near impossible to anchor, so my guests and I used a
technique I have not practiced in a long time, using a wind sock and drifting
with the wind. The sock slows the boat down as it’s pushed through the currents
and parallel to the wind. The angler will cast either to the bow or the stern
of the boat and let the line swing until it’s straightened out. Then pulling more
line off the reel until the flies are about 50 feet away from the boat. For
your presentation, strip the flies in for a few feet, and then allow the line
to be sucked back out. Repeat. I’m going to use the wind drift much more in the
future as it allows you to cover plenty of water, and not have to hassle with
weed choked anchors.

Look for fishing conditions to improve during this week as
warmer weather fills the day, and if you’re not getting takes, move to a
different location. See you on the banks and the fertile flats of Lake Davis.
North Fork Yuba River
Before the last storm rolled through, the weather was
extremely warm, and the fishing on the river was on fire, even above Sierra City.
Dry / dropper rigs were very effective with the usual flies as last reported. One
dropper fly that outshined every other nymph tied on was your basic Copper
John, size 16. Water temps in the upper watershed were 55 to 61 degrees. The
flows were good too. There was zero fishing pressure, and even the campgrounds
have thinned out. This will all change with the last storm, and with snow on
the higher peaks you can expect some melting on south and west faces for the
next few days. Water temps will drop with a slight increase with the flows, and
the savvy angler will work the river lower in the watershed.

October caddis has been out for the last two weeks, I’m seeing a lot of shucks
and a few flyers in the air. The fish are not keyed in on them as they are
taking anything they can get. Pseudocleons, little Blue Wing Olive mayflies are
dancing above the water with a spinner fall when air temperatures are between
58 and 68 degrees.
Hoppers are still out during the warmest time of the day, and
if the wind blows you can have some great action. Now is a great time to fish
the North Fork Yuba River, no crowds, and enticing up the larger rainbows and
browns with the big bug.