A Native Northern Californian with 49 years of hands on fly fishing for trout, Jon Baiocchi carries on the tradition of sharing the knowledge and the passion passed down from his father, a fly fishing hall of famer, and a legendary voice for saving California fisheries for over 40 years. Jon’s home is the rich flora and fauna of the foothills to the Northern Sierra. Fly fishing, guiding, public speaking, tying, writing, and teaching. The Baiocchi family legacy continues...
Spring Edition

Spring Edition
Monday, December 31, 2018
Lower Yuba River Fly Fishing Report 1/1/2019
Happy New Year! After a couple of rough months I'm back in the saddle doing what I love, instructing anglers on the finer points of fly fishing and sharing my passion. What a turn of events, but thanks to the Lower Yuba River, sunshine, and good company I'm super stoked right now and in a better place mentally. The river has been fishing pretty decent depending on the day (typical Yuba) and I've seen numerous anglers hooked into a few in the last week. For whatever reason there has been reports of some very large steelhead being caught with some landed. I know of 5 reliable reports of fish between 25 to 30". Serious athletes are in the system. It's been a long time since we've seen nice big steelhead in the river, and it's so awesome to see.
The flows have been stable since the 27th of December running at 860 cubes, but last evening they were ramped up slowly to 1,050 cfs, just a slight bump with nothing to worry about. Yuba Water Agency (check the new website HERE) plans to run these flows for the next fifteen days or so unless we receive some major precipitation. Fishing pressure has been heavy above the bridge, yet my guests and I have had no trouble finding multiple spots to fish. With the clear low water the fish are playing small ball so use smaller mayfly and midge patterns. Eggs are still being consumed and most of the steelhead that have been hooked have been egg eaters.
Skwala nymphs are pre staging in the idle side waters below riffles to prepare for emergence. With that said they will be in the drift so a smaller rubber leg stone will become more effective in the weeks to come. In the last few days I have found a few shucks so there are a few adult skwalas out. I'm thinking by the 3rd week of January the trout will be keyed in on the adults ovipositing in the side water from noon until early evening. I'm really looking forward to it. The skwala hatch is often over hyped, but don't get me wrong, it's why I moved from Graeagle down to Nevada City - To play the best game in winter for wild trout!
Day in and day out in the last week PMDs and BWOs have been hatching from 12:30 to well that depends on the day. Thursday saw north winds and there were bugs and rising fish for a few hours. On Sunday the PMDs started off strong with a few fish working the surface and 20 minutes later the switch was turned off. Yesterday the north wind was much stronger and only a few bugs popped with very few fish rising. One key is watch for a small black and white bird known as the Black Phoebe (pronounced pheebee). They will sit riverside on a willow branch and fly out to capture a mayfly, then return to sit on its perch. If they are really active they're telling you there is an ample amount of adult insects flying about. Also when playing the dry fly game from the bank do not beat the water over and over. Find an active feeding fish and make good presentations to it, if you do not get a grab rest the fish and possibly change your fly pattern, or try a fly first presentation. Remember with a lower sun in the sky your shadow is much longer and may spook your quarry if you're not careful.
Possible storm coming in this weekend though the Canadian model and the European model are in vast disagreement with just how much precipitation will fall. We shall see. I've got some open dates through the end of January, so if you're looking to improve your skill set and learn more about the Lower Yuba River, give me a ring at 530.228.0487 or email me at baiocchistroutfitters@yahoo.com
Let's hope 2019 is a good one! See you on the water...
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
TruckeeTrout Unlimited 103 Completes Wild Trout Habitat Enhancement Project on the Truckee River
After the success of recent fish habitat projects in Truckee
River watershed and 2 years of planning, Trout Unlimited Chapter and Staff
completed a large-scale fish habitat improvement project this Fall on the main
stem of the Truckee River at Horner’s Corner, also known as “The DFW Loop.”
This project, aptly titled the “Truckee River Fish Habitat Enhancement Project”
constructed 3 major rock structures which greatly increased the available
habitat for large adult fish and available fishing opportunities in a quarter
mile long stretch of river.
The Truckee River itself is a mecca for anglers from all
over that want to fly fish for abnormally large brown trout and rainbow trout
in crystal clear mountain water and this project put new structure in the river
that provides the best possible habitat for these large specimens.
This project materialized in 2016 to build off of momentum
from previous Trout Unlimited fish centric projects. Horner’s Corner was
identified as a suitable site for fish habitat by TU and CDFW staff. The site
itself (on the upstream stretch of the loop) was devoid of natural habitat
because of previous human usage in the form of logging and ice trade and rarely
held large catchable trout.
The project went into construction in October 2018 and three
large rock structures were placed in less than a week. These three rock
structures completely changed the composition of the project site and created
prime fishing spots in areas that previously had none. In addition to the rock structures,
a few dozed boulders were placed throughout the project to create even more
holding water, especially in the lower flows of late summer when fish need a
place to escape to hold in deeper, cooler water. After construction was
complete over 85 volunteers came out and helped put the finishing touches on
the project by decommissioning illegal roads and building trails to help focus
human usage on this stretch of river.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Baiocchi's Troutfitters Gift Certificates for Christmas 2018
Looking for the perfect gift for your favorite fly angler from beginner to expert? Look no further! Gift Certificates from Jon Baiocchi of Baiocchi's Troutfitters will surely be a big hit when opened on Christmas morning, and it also makes a great stocking stuffer!
It's easy to purchase and set up. first, click HERE to download a copy of the Gift Certificate, then click HERE to pay for the trip or trips you desire to gift, they can be full or half days. Then contact Jon at baiocchistroutfitters@yahoo.com to receive your special authorization code. Finally, write the code on the back of the Gift Certificate, fill out the "To" and "From" and your set! Come Christmas morning your sure to see a great big smile once they know they will be going fly fishing with Baiocchi's Troutfitters! Merry Christmas everyone!
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
I Need Your Help! Truck and Guide Gear Stolen!
I was reluctant to post, but now I know kind of how 70+ of my classmates, close friends, and family feel after the Camp Fire. Last night my truck was stolen from a hotel in Sacramento and all of my personal gear, important papers, and all my guide gear is gone as well. To make make matters worse I have been camping out of my truck since the last week of October when my landlord told me she was selling the house and wanted me to vacate immediately. I have never ever been in this deep of a hole before. CHP came and took a report and from the video surveillance it was done by pros, they were in my truck in 3 seconds and driving away in 15 seconds. I hopeful my truck can be found, but during situations like these I often expect the worst possibilities.
Many friends on social media have stepped up with offers of
support to get me back on the water where I belong, to be able to continue
sharing fly fishing and guiding. Anything you can do to help would be greatly
appreciated. Gregg Shaw and Ashley Shaw are more than good friends, they are
angels who care about those who reach out and give back. The paragraphs below
were beautifully written and so very true. When I get my sanity back and am
able to stand on my own two feet, I will give back even more and share my
knowledge to its greatest extent. I have no choice but to reach out to you all
at this time, and I'm truly humbled by your generosity. Thank you for all the support!
See the "Go Fund Me “account and click here;
![]() |
Help the teacher get back to doing good things like this, The Cliff Frazier Memorial |
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Lower Yuba River Fly Fishing Report 12/1/2018
Conditions remain good on the Lower Yuba River and this past week gave us some wild weather from heavy rain, to extreme wind, and a few breaks in the action. Lots of anglers out on the river yesterday, you'll get that after a series of storms keeps you inside and getting the shack nasties. The much needed rainfall raised the river up a tad with a few minor spikes to 1,507 cubes being the highest. Currently the river is flowing at 1,021 cfs, and the water clarity is really good with just a tint of color, it's actually perfect. More rain today, then another break with more weather coming in this coming Tuesday through Thursday. More mayfly weather is a good thing. Birding has been excellent on the river with Bald Eagles, Ospreys, Copper's Hawk, Red Tails, Flickers, black Phoebe's, bluebirds, marsh wrens, Canadian honkers, yellow and white crested sparrows, California gulls, and the U2 of birds: the Turkey Vulture.
The Lower Yuba Fishery is a special fishery, and most of that has to do with the diversity of aquatic insects. Being that it is a tailwater on the Central Valley floor the water stays within a pretty even temperature, and mild air temps allow much more profuse hatches. Everyday is different on a tail water, though a few hatches like BWOs and Skwalas for example run their course for months, day in and day out. A good example would be the Pale Morning Dun pictured above, a sub species that has three tails but are a different color than a standard PMD. Tail configuration with adult mayflies is one clue as to what kind of mayfly it is, a true Pink Albert mayfly has only two tails. From nymph to dun can be rather confusing for fly anglers. The BWO nymph has three tails but when it emerges into a dun it only has two tails.
All types of presentations remain effective, and an angler can switch it up during day and fish all three. Nymphing has really picked up in the last week, probably due to the rain flushing more aquatics in the drift. One tip I'd like to share is many fish are being picked up at the head of the riffles in swifter water. This makes sense since many salmon redds are usually in the tailouts of a run directly upstream, and remember when salmon cut their redds many bugs are stirred up and race down with the current. Jimmy Legs, FB Pheasant tails, Copper Johns in red, black, and olive, worms (red & flesh), Military Mays, S&M nymphs, eggs, and free living caddis patterns are receiving the love right now. Dry fly fishing remains extremely good when you have targets to cast to, a good presentation is often needed to get a take. Loop Wing bwos seem to be the most favored, but sparkle duns in bwo, pmd, and pinkie schemes are also being taken. For extremely picky risers try a flat wing spinner in the film. Swinging has not been as effective as the latter two but it is such a simple and fun way to fish. Softies, alevins, and salmon fry in gray and white are staple flies to use right now. 22 days of fall left and we are not even into the legendary winter dry fly fishing yet, exciting to say the least.
During the past week of storms I've actually seen a few salmon coming up through the riffles, so there are salmon swimming upstream and most others are spent and going with the flow downstream. I've heard many anglers say how good the salmon run is this year but if you were at the Yuba Fest you would have heard Melinda Booth from the South Yuba River Citizens League state that this year's run (as of October 10th) was the worst on record. It was the pulse flows that occurred from 10/17 to 10/24 in conjunction with a full moon phase that triggered more salmon to make the journey upstream making this year's run salvageable. Walk and wade anglers still need to steer clear of salmon redds and not wade through them. If your out on the river and see anglers walking through redds, be a real steward of the river and calmly explain the situation and educate those that are not in the know. You don't have to be a dick and yell at other anglers, that attitude is not the most effective.
Anglers are hungry for knowledge and really want to learn about the Yuba River. My guide service is based off just that, sharing the knowledge from reading water, rigging, nymphing, dry flies, swinging, entomology, and fly selection to name a few. If you're looking for a better understanding of the Yuba River give me a call at 530.228.0487 or email me at baiocchistroutfitters@yahoo.com to book your trip. Thanks for all the emails of praise lately, and all the support, it is much appreciated! See you on the water...
Monday, November 26, 2018
Lost Coast Outfitters / Mt. Tam Fly Fishers Presentations 11/27/2018
I will be speaking tomorrow at Lost Coast Outfitters from noon until 1 pm, then crossing the Golden Gate Bridge and presenting to Mt. Tam Fly Fishers at 7pm. My "High Water Tactics" program is one of my best and offers superior information for fishing during winter and spring run off. I'll talk about the causes of high water, safety, turbidity and a trout's vision, water to target, tight line nymphing, streamers, fighting big fish, rigging, and flies. Looking forward to seeing you all, I hope you can make it!
Mount Tam Fly Fishers - http://www.mttamflyfishers.org/
Lost Coast Outfitters at 540 Jackson St. San Francisco 415.483.2278
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Lower Yuba River Fly Fishing Report 11/18/2018
Obviously smokey air quality conditions exist on the Lower Yuba River but fishing still remains decent for those that put in the work. Flows are stable at 993 cubes, just a tad up from my last report. Water is clear but not for long. Finally a storm system will impact the area beginning on Wednesday, it's been 6 months since we've seen the skies open up. The foothills are forcasted to receive 4 inches of rain. Fishing pressure is moderate to light, and not too many boats drifting down either. Lots of bird activity including many bald Eagles looking for salmon carcasses to Bluebirds feasting on caddis in the evenings. Great observations abound right now.
The last few weeks has seen an abundance of "joey's", 10 to 13 inch wild rainbows. As you know the Yuba rainbow pulls like no other resident trout. Strong steelhead genes combined with being on a treadmill (the current) 24 hours a day makes for a very conditioned athlete. All types of presentations are effective right now. Dry fly fishing remains good from 10am to 2pm, and sometimes even later into the evening. Mahogany duns are waning but still present. There is a thick Psuedocloeon spinner fall starting at around 11am. Day in and day out the BWO has been the most consistent hatch, duns are a size 18. A few pinkie mayflies here and there are also in the mix. The trout have been very selective especially on the flat calm water. We did better yesterday in water that was broken up, yet had a little depth to it. Dry/Dropper rigs continue to perform well, I've been quite surprised how many fish have blown up on the orange Stimi. Nymphing is all about eggs and legs. Jimmy Legs in mottled yellow/brown, brown, black, and egg patterns in peachy king, natural roe, and tangerine dream have been killing it. Other good nymphs include red copper johns, free living caddis, San Juan worms in flesh and red, Hogan's S&M in olive, and Juju baetis. Trout are taking both small and big flies at this time. Swinging the minnow will become more important in the next few months, make sure your box has some.
There continues to be more and more new salmon redds through out the system, and I'm sure after this rain it will push even more salmon up river. I've been educating anglers on the proper etiquette when encountering a salmon redd while wading. Believe it or not, many have no idea what a redd is (by definition), or what they look like. One young couple I educated had no idea either, but once they were able to identify a redd they just sat and watched the salmon do their thing. Look at the picture above, this is a slamon redd, note the very clean gravel and cobble. Do not wade through these areas as you will crush the eggs, go around them and give them plenty of room. Remember the eggs are in the gravel for approximately 50 days so you will still want to avoid walking through older redds. With such low counts of salmon in the last 20 years, it is imperative that we do all that we can to help the species survive.
The Camp Fire has really been tough for me to deal with, emotionally I'm a bit shook up and in disbelief. We moved to Paradise in 1967, my father wanted to be closer to the great fly fishing the Feather River system provided, and to raise his young family among the conifers and the natural world. In 1971 we moved to a brand new house off of lower Pentz road (see above). I lived there until 1986 when I left to chase my professional snowboarding career, mom stayed on until 91 before moving into her mother's home on the other side of town. Lots of fantastic memories have resurfaced since the fire broke out on November 8th, I was so lucky as a kid to experience everything that Paradise had to offer, it was awesome! So many of my high school classmates, friends, and family have lost everything. The destruction is unbelievable, my little town is gone with the wind. It will take decades to rebuild Paradise, in the meantime I will continue to pray for everyone affected, and a true hope for all.
November Lupines blooming? Mother Nature continues to amaze me, even after 53 years. Plan on fishing the Lower Yuba River after the rains have passed, a little flushing and color in the water will rejuvenate the system. See you on the water...
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Lower Yuba Fly Fishing Report 11/4/2018
Warm days and cool nights have been the norm on the Lower Yuba River, and the fishing has been pretty good, especially the dry fly fishing. The flows were bumped up to 1,470 cubes last week and with the added flow along with a full moon phase it attracted more salmon up the river having a dramatic effect. Currently the river is flowing at 967 cfs, and the water is very clear. Until YCWA jacked the flows up the salmon return this year was at a all time historic low, it will be interesting to see the final tally of numbers come January 1st. Flow regimes and loss of habitat (spawning gravel) have had a severe impact on the Lower Yuba River.
Hatches are most active from 9am to 2pm with the Mohogany duns being the most prolific, they are the first to hatch. A few hours later the Blue Wing Olives come off, and an overlapping masking hatch of the Pinkie mayfly. If you stay late the last hour of sunlight provides a good caddis grab, the caddis are a size 16 and have an olive body with dark smokey wings. Nymphing - Eggs, stones, worms, and small dark and flashy may fly nymphs have been very effective. Swinging has picked up in the last couple of days now that there are salmon fry and alevins in the system. Like I said the dry fly fishing has been pretty good, but on the flat water stretches it has been extremely challenging. Longer casts with fly first presentations and the right fly will definitely give you an edge. If fishing from the bank, being stealthy and keeping a low profile goes a long way. Dry/Dropper rigs are great when you are searching with no rising targets.
Fishing pressure has increased due to good reports and the time of year. Salmon = eggs = hookups. Enjoy the beautiful weather and get out on the Lower Yuba River asap. If your looking to increase your skill set, and learn more about the river do not hesitate in contacting me for a trip. 530.228.0487 / baiocchistroutfitters@yahoo.com
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Northern Sierra Fly Fishing Report 10/24/2018
Blazing fall colors and wild trout fattening up for winter,
it just doesn't get any better. The weather has been fantastic in the high
country with warm days and cold nights. The feeding schedule for trout has
changed and an angler will want to fish during the warmest time of the day, or
when water temperatures rise where both bugs and trout become more active.
Fishing pressure is light, and solitude is easy to find.
Lake Davis - water temps are now down to 51 and the Fall
bite is full steam ahead. The Northern end of lake is where it's at. You'll
want to move around and cover water. Best action has been making presentations
while stripping in 8 to 25 feet of water, 3 feet down. Brown and olive buggers,
plus some minnow patterns is all you need. There are a few fish in the skinny
shallows and I expect more to be in there in the weeks to come.
North Fork Yuba River - don't even get on water until noon,
wait for water temps to climb to 51 degrees. Dry dropper rigs have been great!
Orange Stimis with a bwo nymph hanging off the back has been very effective.
Hatches include bwo mayflies, October caddis, and smaller caddis. Fishing
pressure is light.
Middle Fork Feather River - same conditions as the North
Fork Yuba River, except fishing pressure is nonexistent. Concentrate your
efforts downstream of the Two Rivers access. Red copper John's have been hot
and orange Stimis as well. Good hatches from to 2 to 4pm, bwo, and lots of
different size caddis.
I'm done guiding the Northern Sierra and will be on the
Lower Yuba River full time. Hit me up if you want to learn about the river, or
a private tour that will teach you everything from access areas, rigging,
flies, entomology, and one on one guiding. 530.228.0487/
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Lower Yuba River Fly Fishing Report 10/13/2108
My guests and I have had some great days on the Lower Yuba River since my last report. Yuba County Water Agency have bumped the flows up a tad and the river is currently at 865 cubes. Water is crystal clear. A little bit more fishing pressure but not too much where an angler can't find their own spot. Last Thursday I finally got a chance to fish on my own and Shwood Eyewear rep Gregg Shaw joined me for some fishing, and to discuss a new special project he will be launching in the next few months. We were pleasantly surprised how good the fishing was, and best of all we had some killer dry fly action with active rising fish, even on a windy day.
Lots of bugs out from 11am to 3pm including Mohogny duns in a size 14, BWOs size 18, and Psuedocleons in a size 20. There were also a few random smaller caddis as well, but the trout were podded up in slower water and keyed in on the mayflies. Dry/dropper rigs were also effective while walking the banks and fan casting, searching for active sub surface feeders. Hogan's S&M #18 in olive, and Copper Johns in the same size have been very effective.
There are some Salmon in the river, but the redds and numbers of them are few in the lower river, maybe there is more upstream of the Highway 20 bridge. Some salmon have already done their thing and have expired. Foothill black bears have followed their nose and have come down to feast on the spent adults in the slack side water. It's really cool to see bear prints and scat on the valley floor. To think we had Grizzly's here at one time with flourishing runs of salmon must have been the sight to behold. For nymph rigs, eggs and legs (Jimmy Leg stones), and small mayfly nymphs are receiving some attention from the trout in the riffles.
Approaching rising pods of fish from the bank should be done tactfully with a heavy dose of stealthiness. When you do make an attempt to make presentations to a pod, make a few casts and if you do not get a grab, take a break, shake your fly, and let them eat some more naturals to gain confidence in their surroundings. If you continue to make cast after cast you may put them down but often they will just push out further away, or drop downstream of your position. A fly first reach cast presentation is often best for rising trout in calmer water.
I have plenty of open dates as we head into November. More than just a guide trip, I will teach you the ways of the Jedi in learning a more successful presentation for wary fish with the dry fly, and dry/dropper rigs. Education on the resource is a big part of my approach for each and every one of my guests, good intentions and actions carry their weight for the future, and beyond. Call or email me if you wish to take it to the next level. 530.228.0487 ~ baiocchistroutfitter@yahoo.com
Thursday, October 11, 2018
North Fork Yuba River Fly Fishing Report 10/11/2018
Fishing has been really good on the North Fork Yuba River. It's that time of year where nearly every body of water is on fire, fall ball is the best and an angler has so many choices to fish here in Nor Cal. Water temperatures are 53 to 58 degrees. Fishing pressure is pretty much non existent, and the campgrounds are empty. You'll want to fish downstream of Downieville in areas that are open and receive sunlight, those October caddis prefer a good warm sunny bend in the river. The type of water is different in the lower watershed than the upper, longer runs, riffles, and less pocket water - Bigger fish too. Fishing during the warmest time of day is also a wise choice, 11am to 4pm. BWOs, October Caddis, and other smaller caddis are active and being consumed by trout. Tight line nymphing, dry/dropper, and dry fly presentations have all been effective. I've yet to see any brown trout on redds but I'm sure in another month we'll see them. It's going to warm up for the weekend and a camping/fishing trip with fall colors on the NFYR will be hard to beat.
Friday, October 5, 2018
Yuba Fest 2018
You are invited to Yuba Fest, which will take place Oct. 13,
2018, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Sycamore Ranch County Park on the Lower Yuba
River. Yuba Fest will showcase fly fishing guides, fly clubs, fly shops, environmental groups, and state agencies that all are working hard to make the Lower
Yuba River and her watershed the best that it can be. Yuba Fest is all about
giving back to the river that has provided wonderful memories to us all. The Lower
Yuba River is wonderful place to recreate, fly fish, drift, and hike. We want
to protect it for future generations. The key to the Lower Yuba’s success and
future is educating all who love the river. We are hoping that Yuba Fest will
become an annual event for years to come.
Admission to Yuba Fest is free to all who would like to
participate! We will have workshops to learn about fly fishing and to enhance
your fly fishing skills. Our “Fly Fishing for Kids” element will include fly
casting, fly tying, and lessons about the bugs that trout eat. Yuba Fest is for
those individuals who recreate, fly fish, protect, and enhance the Lower Yuba
River. Yuba Fest is co-hosted by Fly Fishing Traditions, the Gold Country Fly
Fishers, and The Reel Anglers Fly Shop.
I will be providing an entomology class for both the kids
and adults, and also technical rigging for “Tight Line” nymphing, and for dry
flies. I will also be offering a Dry Fly Workshop on Sunday the 14th from 10am
to 2pm in conjunction with the Yuba Fest. A special price of $40 per angler
(all proceeds go to Gold Country Fly Fishers conservation fund) will get you an
informative handout, rigging supplies, and complete instruction. Limited to 6
anglers on a first come, first serve basis. Contact me in person at the Yuba
Fest on the 13th to sign up.
I hope you can make the Yuba Fest! See you there!
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Lower Yuba River Fly Fishing Report 9/26/2018
It sure is nice to be working close to home again, in another month I will be making another transition to guiding the Lower Yuba River full time until the end of March. Currently the flows are at 750 cubes and the water is clear. Flows are perfect for the ability to cross the river but know your limits and be careful. Yesterday an older fly angler was crossing upstream of Shaw’s riffle and fell. He was quickly sucked into the current and tumbled for about 150 feet. My client and I saw this happen and quickly went for the rescue, we were lucky to be able to grab his wading staff and pull him in. He panicked which made the situation worse, but thankfully he will live to fish another day, though he’ll have buy another rod as his is lost at sea. His legs were very banged up with goose eggs and blood, it was gnarly. If you do happen to fall in, go with the current on your back with your legs in front of you while back paddling with your arms to the closest side of the river. Never panic and keep your cool.
Fishing pressure is extremely light with plenty of access areas void of other anglers. The salmon are in the system and are already on redds, one particular redd had 3 adults on it yesterday, today I counted 7. For walk and wade anglers, be sure to avoid walking through any redds and give them a wide birth. Remember this is an entirely wild population of salmon, steelhead, and trout, and they need all the help they can get to perpetuate the species.
Seine samples were light with free living caddis (Ryacophila
and Hydropsyche) being the most prolific, other nymphs included PMDs, Baetis,
Stub Wing Stones, and tiny scuds size 20. In the air a few summer stones and
sporadic BWOs. There is some fish rising in the afternoons in known areas where
fish tend to pod up. For selective eaters try an ant pattern. Hoppers are still
being taken, especially on windy afternoons. Swinging Black leeches has seen
some action as well, an old standard on the Lower Yuba River. Conditions will
continue to get better on a weekly basis as we go deeper into fall. It’s time
to start painting those beads up with your favorite recipe. See you on the
Monday, September 24, 2018
Help Restore The Truckee River ~ Truckee River Day 2018
The Truckee River and Trout Unlimited need your help! Come
help restore a part of the Truckee River on Sunday, October 14th at 9 am as
part of the Truckee Watershed Council's annual Truckee River Day. This project
will include re-vegetation, trail work, and road decommission at a popular
fishing spot known as "Horner's Corner" or "The Loop"
(directions below) to complete the Truckee River Fish Habitat Enhancement
Project. Afterwards we will take a tour of the completed project. 70 volunteers
needed. Please tell your friends and share this event! Make sure to register
at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TruckeeRiverDay2018 and RSVP to the Facebook
event located HERE for updates. Please bring sturdy working clothes and a get
it done attitude. Please contact Sam Sedillo if you have any questions at:
A huge thanks to all those that have supported this project
including the Sagebrush Chapter Trout Unlimited, TU Embrace a Stream, Granite
Bay Flycasters, Tahoe Truckee Fly Fishers and the Flycasters of San Jose. Make
sure to check out our project video for more information:
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Trout Unlimited Truckee River Survey
I would like to invite all anglers that fish the Truckee River to participate in a survey for a future road map that will help Trout Unlimited Truckee Chapter 103 on future in-stream projects. As a TU Truckee Board of Director, and a decades long angler of the river, I feel it is important to reach out to the fly angling public and ask for providing critical comments on a variety of topics that effect the health of the Truckee River, macroinvertebrates, trout, riparian zones, and good habitat for all. Take the survey and make your voice heard!
An important message from the President of Trout Unlimited Truckee:
Dear Truckee River TU member,
First off I would like to say thank you for your continued
support of the Truckee River Trout Unlimited Chapter. Below you will find a
link to a survey I am asking each of you to take. It’s not long.Your views on
the health and well-being of our local waters are important, and will be used
as a guide to create a road map for our Chapter’s growth and conservation
efforts going forward. The Board is going to use your feedback to create a
strategic plan for the Chapter, and it will serve as a road map in our efforts
to protect and enhance our precious fresh water resources in the Truckee/Tahoe
Many thanks in advance,
Trevor S. Fagerskog
Trout Unlimited, Chapter 103
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